man is animal
technology is power
"digital camera shot: a self-portrait" jan 01
"closed circuit camera shot: a self-portrait" aug 98
wiremnky is driven to music in a desperate attempt to unify grooves, emotions and ideas; the urge, primal and instinctive; the act, pre-meditated and intellectual...all in an ironic effort to reach out to the world while uncontrollably trying to pull away. initially, wiremnky's music was inspired by the likes of early wax trax and nettwerk artists like front 242, ministry, and severed heads. in recent years, however, he reflects fondly on and draws subtle influence from the likes of autechre, ultramarine, dj krush, cold cut, parliament, meat beat manifesto and yes, even on rare ocassions, dr dre. |
eristikös launched wiremnky online in January 1997
this page content last updated October 2020
this page design copyright © 1999, 2020 eristikös
timestamp December 2020