Long, long ago, in a faraway land, there lived a creative entity that lived for self-expression. Unfortunately, a mouth's gotta eat.

Here is an archive of the artisanal projects that helped pay the rent, back in the day...

architectural modelbuilding

Agua Fria High School Library

Fuina Residence

Hammer Residence

signage fabrication

prototype fabrication

banner sewing services

graphic design

Eristikos stationery
winner of a How Magazine design award in 1992

MetalTech stationery

"From Point A to Point A" hand-crafted book first edition

The portfolio is full of magazine layouts, advertisements, stationary, etc.

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eristikös launched online in April 1996
this page last updated December 2020
all tradenames ® 1992, 1996
all HTML for the entire eristikos site was manually coded
timestamp December 2020